Documents related to sale of investments/real estate.
RRSP contribution slips.
Medical receipts (medical expenses not covered by OHIP; prescription drugs not covered by extended health benefits). Amount of the annual payments towards to group medical benefits.
Charitable donation receipts.
T2202 from the college or university .
Amount of interest paid on the student’s loan.
T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment (if you have one).
TL2 (truck divers).
Professional dues/union dues.
Details of the foreign property holdings( if any).
Carry charges/loan interest (loan must be for income producing purposes).
Safety deposit box fees.
Professional investment consultant’s fees (if you have investments).
Spousal support income/payments.
Separation agreement ( if it is the first year).
Dependant information (e.g. children; elderly parent; new spouse etc.).
Form T2201 (if claiming disability for self or dependant). Disability tax credit claim form completed by doctor, first year or renewal.
Child care payments (name of the child care organization, if individual – full name and SIN#).
Fitness receipts for the children below 17.
Property taxes/rent paid to whom and how much.
Moving expenses (if moved more then 40 km for new employment/or for studying in the college or university)
Political contribution receipts.
Receipts for the use of public transportation.
Tax shelter credits such as labour-sponsored venture capital investments.
RRSP Homebuyer and education withdrawal information.